• +1 774 435 1060
  • sales@siliconithub.com

Technologies We Work Upon

Our in-house teams comprise experienced professionals with expertise in implementing advancements of emerging technologies.

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Advanced Enterprise-grade Software

Cutting-edge Tools and Future-ready Technologies

Emerging technologies including AI, Blockchain, and IoT can transform processes of modern enterprises. Our in-house developers can integrate technological advancements in web and mobile app solutions as advanced features to address complex business needs. At Silicon IT Hub, we know what it takes to make enterprise-grade software with desired features and a seamless functionality.

Apart from trending technologies including ML, VR, and chatbot, we utilize front-end technologies like AngularJS and backend technologies like Laravel to build robust web solutions. We also build high-end business apps for Android, iOS, and both platforms at affordable rates using cutting-edge tools.


Top Technologies Used in Developing Enterprise Software


Trending Technologies

Leverage the benefits of emerging technologies like Blockchain, IoT, and AI/ML in feature-rich, custom application solutions.


Mobile App Technologies

You can hire mobile app developers to build native apps using Kotlin or Swift technologies or a cross-platform app using Flutter and Ionic.


Front-end Technologies

We work in popular front-end web development technologies including AngularJS, ReactJS, JavaScript, and HTML5.


Backend Technologies

We ensure that your web applications and portals offer seamless experiences with the help of popular technologies like PHP and Laravel.


Cloud & DevOps

We offer cloud hosting services in AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure platforms. Our DevOps services are based on Jenkins and Selenium.


Database Technologies

Our MySQL and FireBase-focused database services can ensure a seamless storage and access of the corporate data.

Briefcase of Projects

Silicon has a great team of enthusiasts who are madly in love with the software, and henceforth developed plenty of stunning apps.

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Customers SayThe Way

Our Clients Define Us

I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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Looking to Leverage Advancing Technology to Drive Growth?

We assist you to integrate future-ready technologies in your company’s web and mobile app solutions.

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