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TILF Application

Advanced AI-powered app for an Ethiopian e-commerce business owner.
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About Client

Our client, a techie eCommerce business owner from Ethiopia, wanted to bring an innovative app for selling traditional Ethiopian clothing. The client had an Android app made in the Amharic language for local communities of Addis Ababa and wished to transform the user experience while addressing challenges with the help of technological advancements.


The client wanted to reach a broader audience by developing a separate app for both Android and iOS platforms. The core objective was to build robust app solutions with simple navigation and advanced features for the clothing business.

Problem Statement

The client’s existing Android app had payment-related issues along with navigational problems. As a result, non-tech savvy audiences could not use the app properly. The lack of innovative features and limitation in terms of catalogue restricted the client’s business to grow quickly.

About Project


  • It was challenging to identify and integrate a reliable Ethiopian payment gateway

  • Making an app that has simple navigation with features based on technological advancements was difficult

  • Ensuring a seamless performance in both iOS and Android apps with synchronized features was a challenge

  • The client wanted an app that could attract people from other African countries through advanced functionality and a smooth experience

Project Challenges

Our Solutions

Our in-house teams for Android and iOS app development have successfully addressed all the challenges to make robust native applications.

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Intuitive Navigation

We incorporated modern UI/UX principles to ensure simple yet intuitive navigation.

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Payment Gateway

We integrated Chapa, a popular Ethiopian payment gateway successfully into an Android app and in-app purchase functionality in an iOS app.

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ChatGPT 4.0

Our team has integrated ChatGPT 4.0 successfully in the TILF app for both Android OS and iOS.

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AI-driven Tool

Successful integration of Pebblely tool has made this application more useful on Android and iOS platforms.


Looking for Developing a Robust Android and iOS App from Scratch?


Technology Stack

Java Icon
Kotlin Icon
CorePHP Icon
ChatGPT 4.0 Icon
Firebase Icon
Pebblely Icon
Chapa Payment Gateway Icon
In-app Purchase Icon
Swift Icon


Merchants in Ethiopia have given positive feedback about the app mentioning that the app offers better understanding and a quick solution to end-users or prospective customers. Users find this app interesting for checking how available or custom design clothes look through AI-generated mannequins or models. The app’s availability on both iOS and Android OS has expanded the customer base significantly. Integration of Chapa and in-app purchases have reduced transaction friction making the client happy.

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Customers SayThe Way

Our Clients Define Us

I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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