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Advanced solution for monitoring tasks of field staff for authorities.
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About Client

The government of an Indian state is a client that wants a mobile and web solution to monitor the work done by field staff in real-time.


The client wanted a comprehensive solution for tracking the activities of field executives using mobile and web platforms. The solution should enable supervisors and other higher-level authorities to monitor the Punch-in/punch-out of field executives with travel routes based on GPS location.

Problem Statement

It is cumbersome for supervisors and higher authorities to monitor the field staff’s activity. Moreover, dummy check-ins happened sometimes which created problems in tracking the movement of officers or executives on the field. Getting real-time location and route of field officials with task updates was a challenge.

About Project


We could track the working staff using their GPS locations but we faced several challenges including monitoring or finding their travel route. Moreover, we had to identify dummy entries and were required to take preventive measures to avoid such check-ins.

Project Challenges

Our Solutions

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Track Daily Tasks

We built a mobile and web-based solution for the government from scratch to track the ongoing and completed work of field executives.

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Selfie-based Punch-in

We added a feature of taking a selfie when they punch in at the field to avoid dummy check-ins.

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Task Status Update

Moreover, we have also integrated a feature to enable field officers to update the task status before punching out.

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Daily Activities Report

Our comprehensive SaaS solution can make a detailed report based on the daily activities of field staff.


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Technology Stack

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AI Solutions (AI) Icon
Geolocation Icon
React Native Icon
ReactJS Icon


Higher authorities at the state government can monitor the work done by field staff and get their exact location in real-time. Furthermore, the dummy check-in attempts are completely stopped and all the projects have started running as per the schedule. This SaaS solution has enhanced accountability and increased the efficiency of the field staff.

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I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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