

The Project

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Chord Genome Project to help make the guitar easier for beginners.

Use this site’s Search Engine to find easy songs that use chords you already know. You can also filter by genres, search by chord progression, do wildcard searches, and so much more.

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Chord Genome

All Features

Search Songs by Chord
Use this site’s Search Songs by Chord tool to quickly find easy tunes using whatever chords users know. Users can also filter by Genre, Decade, and “Progression.”

Create Free Account
Join Chord Genome and be a free member of the platform. A free member can view 10% of all matching songs for every search.

Log In
Successfully registered users can sign in to the platform by entering the right credential.

The users can access the library to find out the Chords they know.

Gold Member
As a GOLD member, users can access 100% of the database (or 500,000+ songs) and also get the premium search benefits
Access to over 500,000 songs.
All free & premium features.
A 30-day, risk-free guarantee.

Our Esteemed Clients

We made a tailored software for one of our esteemed clients OnSource. Silicon is a leading mobile and web development company for modern enterprises.
We served many corporate clients across India and other countries. Maruti Courier is one of our esteemed clients to whom we delivered web solutions.
Silicon is a trusted partner for government authorities and global corporate giants. Our customized web and mobile app solutions can drive growth.
Silicon has a knack for developing custom healthcare solutions. We served one of our esteemed clients Medical.BH with a seamless web solution.
Silicon is a trusted mobile and web app development partner for enterprises. We built a tailored app for Bluestone Apps, one of our esteemed clients.
We developed tailored software for PIE (Property Inventory Enterprise) with desired features and functionality. We serve corporate clients globally.
We developed custom software for one of our esteemed global corporate clients Invent. Silicon is your preferred end-to-end IT solution provider.
Silicon IT Hub is a one-stop destination for your web and mobile app needs. We offered a custom IT solution to a social tech company, Everything Civic.
At Silicon, we focus on making seamless web and mobile app solutions. We serve a global corporate clientele with enterprise-grade software.
We built user-friendly and feature-rich web solutions for the MSME authority of the GoI. We consider all requirements when making tailored solutions.
Our e-Governance solutions are designed to serve citizens more effectively by streamlining processes and bringing various departments on the same page.
We serve some of the big brands across different industry verticals. We are happy to work for Novotel clients.
We built custom web solutions for Knoxweb, one of our esteemed clients. Silicon is a renowned mobile app and web development company in the USA and India.
We serve some of the big brands across different industry verticals. We are happy to work for Skoda clients.
We serve some of the big brands across different industry verticals. We are happy to work for Genpact clients.

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