• +1 774 435 1060
  • sales@siliconithub.com

Unlocking the Value of Your Business Across Multiple Screens

CloudyFyTV offers a robust digital platform to attract more people to your business and engage them with a smart signage solution.

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Serving Industry Sectors with Excellent Visual Experience

Works Offline

Works Offline

Its advanced technology ensures that your custom digital signage keeps playing offline till your license is active, and content is downloaded.

Portrait or Landscape Image

Portrait or Landscape Image

You can get the best-fit view depending on the device and screen size. Our digital signage solution has two modes- portrait and landscape.

Proof of Play

Proof of Play

This feature ensures that all the displays across billboards and devices are connected and exhibit the contents in real-time.

Use and Reuse Content

Use and Reuse Content

Want to modify the content for your digital signage remotely? We make it possible with the Content Use and Reuse feature.

Content Adaptation

Content Adaptation

Our dynamic digital signage (DDS) can adapt the content effectively and display information that changes in line with a predetermined condition.

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years of experiences

Visually Appealing Digital Signage Solutions

Highly Effective and Expressive Digital Communication

CloudyFy TV is synonymous with elegant and engaging digital signage software that can play media across the network of screens using cloud technology.

Offer Your Customers an Excellent Visual Experience

Our user-friendly and highly customizable digital signage solutions can help brands connect with people easily. As an enterprise-grade software, CloudyFy TV enables you to create and send dynamic content across various devices including video walls, kiosks, digital signs, and touchscreen displays

  • Memorable Visual Experience with Rich Content and Graphics

  • Effective and Real-time Communication for Spreading Awareness

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Our Clients Define Us

I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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