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Injury Day - Silicon IT Hub


Siliconians always find the moment to enjoy, no matter how strict the deadline is, especially during the festive season! What time it is when Christmas and New Year’s Eve come one by one, and merriment prevails all over!

We started the celebration on December 21, 2022, this time with an ‘Injury Day.’ The Silicon IT Family enjoyed this day with the ‘Dismembered in December’ theme! This must be the first time that so-called injured professionals joined in a photo session, and other members enjoyed their appearance. Injuries were on different parts of the body. Yes, we showed creativity in injuries as well! See these smiling faces. Do you think they are injured? Of course, bandages cover various parts of their body, but they look strong from every angle!

On this day, they just roamed around to show their injuries, and guess what happened when they show a camera? Well, they come together rapidly to take a picture! Pictures say the entire story. Have a look!


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