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Christmas and Secret Santa Celebration


Christmastime! For Silicon and Civic Family, Christmas is a festival of rejoice and rejuvenation. Every year, we celebrate Christmas with a high Adrenaline rush for several days. This year, we celebrated this year-end festival for three consecutive days when joy was all around! Day 1 is Christmas Day itself and the entire Silicon and Civic Family has already brought an attractive gift for one another secretly. We had a Red, White, and Green or their combination theme on this day and everyone was waiting for Secret Santa. And yes, Secret Santa came exactly when we had a photo session! What an entry and graceful dance by Santa! All of us were drowned in the colors of Christmas with our own Santa Claus. After having a lot of fun together and chocolates, we had gifting time! Secret Santa gave all of us a secret gift that we had thought to give one another! What a memorable experience when members of Silicon and Civic Family show their gifts one after another! We had a memorable Christmas together with our Silicon and Civic family! What’s more? Christmas Celebration and Secret Santa were just the beginning. The next day was a ‘Signature Day’ with more excitement and enjoyment.


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