• +1 774 435 1060
  • info@siliconithub.com

Real Estate

We make property owners, brokers, and agents’ lives easier by providing custom Real Estate software solutions followed by emerging technologies.

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IT Solutions for Real Estate Industry

Silicon offers Real Estate software solutions that enable marketers to organize and manage their workflows and streamline different tiresome tasks such as lead conversion, database management, and so on. As a full-service mobile app development company, we have experience in helping businesses to optimize their operations, comply with regulations, boost productivity and profitability, and offer an excellent customer experience.

Years of Industry Experience
Sqft Green Office

Our real estate software solutions contain a wide range of software services, offering solutions to simplify each aspect of the real estate industry and open new doors to manage the commercial and residential property. As technologists, we are committed to the work we perform and the changes we are making for the betterment of businesses.

Real Estate IT Solutions

Building intuitive Software with full optimization and customization.


Real Estate Web App Development


Property Management App


Real Estate CRM Software


Real Estate ERP System

Web App Modernization


The client is a real estate startup based in the US. They have a reliable and updated online database of important details regarding commercial properties. Any real estate agent can access the web app.


The client’s web app is developed by a third-party vendor that is not working as expected. The search function did not scan all entry fields. Data import from Excel files failed when the text format in the documents was slightly different compared to the needed one. The app also has some UI issues to screen resolution. Additionally, the client wants to develop a Stripe payment feature to facilitate paid subscriptions.


Silicon’s experts thoroughly rebuilt the web app’s functionalities. Our techno-geeks addressed all the concerns relevant to app UI and ensured the responsiveness of the designs. They also implemented an in-depth search that scans each entry field. The team enhanced the Excel file import feature as well. Stripe payment feature gets implemented that enables registered users to subscribe and see further detail in the web app.

Customers Say
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Our Clients Define Us

I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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