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  • info@siliconithub.com

Media & Entertainment

Engage your target audience by delivering digital experiences with our Media & Entertainment software solutions aimed to enhance performance.

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IT Solutions for Media & Entertainment Industry

Leveraging the power of technology, the team of Silicon develops comprehensive media and entertainment software that help clients to improve their business efficiency and boost engagement rates. Our team can aid you with the best approach for multi-platform Media & entertainment app development that helps you excel among your competitors in the industry.

Years of Industry Experience
Sqft Green Office

We provide custom solutions that followed your unique needs and ensure your business’s success. Our experts know how to deliver elegance and style of visuals, contents, and interactions within a software product that amaze your end-users on the go. We determine how to put all ease to your Media & Entertainment app.

Media & Entertainment IT Solutions

Inspiring possibilities and applying innovations with each M&E Software.


Live Streaming Software


Music App


Radio Station App


Media Asset Management (MAM) System

Live Streaming Software Development


The client is well-known for building and deploying software systems for the Media and Entertainment industry.


The client’s goal is to build a live streaming system to help one of their customers with features of live playback, social media sharing, video quality selection, comments, and captions.


Silicon’s team added a lightning-fast connection that enables users to watch events appear on their screens within a second or a fraction of a second of the actual time. Users can take a break in the middle of a watch by using pause, resume, rewind, and fast-forward or rewatch one of the highlights. Users can stop and go back at any moment. Users can leverage options for various levels of quality, from full HD to 360p.

The software lets the users chat within the window or outside it and share their thoughts and emotions along with the hide chat feature. Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or any other Social Media account is also possible. Some percentage of viewers will enable their friends to discover about the broadcast. The software enables users to see captions based on speech recognition. It gives users a highly precise text rendition of speech and lyrics.

Customers Say
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Our Clients Define Us

I looked for help and Silicon IT Hub answered the call. I was a little bit hesitant to go outside the US, not sure of what I would be getting, what I would be paying for. But immediately those doubts were put to rest. The professionalism of the staff of the team there. They've been good to me. I have no doubt that the team there would be just as efficient for the job that you need to be completed. Thank you. Silicon It Hub. It's been a pleasure working with you and I hope to do more in the future.

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