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Slow Loading Wordpress Website? What could be the Reasons?

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Having a website is great. All the business does have. Do they maintain? Maybe not all of them. Especially when you have chosen the fastest way to make your website and landed a choice on WordPress Web Development . Indeed Wordpress is the best CMS in the world. But taking it for granted and not to give it a proper care can result in a problem. Such as slow loading of a website. Who does like it? No one does.

Just a back button can make your competitor win. And what else you can expect? Well, we can see there are many websites. In Fact, this slow loading problem of websites is ignored by many. Why be so ignorant about the technicalities of our own website?

Well, this blog is talking about the Wordpress platform. And for those having a slow loading of a website with this platform. Let’s have an insightful idea of what could be the reasons behind it?

Here are some of the imperatives that need to check to avoid slow website speed:

Improper Web Hosting

Any website with poor web hosting can result in a slow loading and non-engaging website on the internet. There are multiple web hostings available depending on the servers. In the case of dedicated servers, the website loading time can be highly optimized and great performing. Because the dedicated servers perform as the name suggests.

Dedicated to a single website. And that’s what makes them completely responsible for the single website instead of sharing many. While in shared servers the problem of slow loading arises at a higher rate. Because of the multiple websites being hosted on a single shared servers makes it overloaded and so the slow response time. So choosing the Wordpress does not end all the problems for a proper digital platform but a proper web hosting matters, too.

Also, there are web hosting options like VPS and cloud hosting. But what matters is the high raised pricing of the cloud hosting. Whereas the VPS comes as the middle option between the dedicated and shared servers.

Overloaded Plugins

Plugins - one of the most worried signs of WordPress developer. You can’t do it all with the plugins. Yes, Wordpress does have a plugin for every single implementation. But reducing the number of plugins do have some meaning.

Optimizing the custom shortcodes as well as animations do make sense. Also, some of the plugins having hardly use of once in a year need not be installed permanently in the WordPress admin. Removing unnecessary plugins is a genuine and a good practice to follow.

The plugins that reduce the responsiveness of a server along with the constant lacking of cache. This results in a huge issue of website loading. So reducing the plugins matter a lot in designing a website with Wordpress. However, finding a WordPress developer should be interviewed before hiring about his/her HTML/CSS skills to avoid an excess of plugins.

Render Blocking Javascript

Have you ever tested your website with Google Insights? It shows a completed view of how your website is scoring at loading? Also shows some of the imperative factors called as Render blocking javascript and CSS. These render blocking events occur whenever the browser goes for rendering a page and has to go through the script before the loading. This results in a lot of loading time and hence, adding an extra mile to the slow loading website tag.

External scripts are having an increased time of downloading resources and it forces multiple loading attempts to a browser. Well, it can be caused by using facebook, twitter or whatever widget is embedded. This can be fixed by some specific line of code i.e., approaching an expert WordPress developer .

Images are not optimized

Images- this one is the general thing that everyone can understand. Images can be of more MBs. But what can we do with them is a good optimization. As we know, the graphic designers have tools that can do anything with the pictures. Why not use them at the fullest? Ask your graphic designer to optimize the image, make it better at a resolution and there you go for posting on a WordPress site.

Also, learning from graphic designers about different resolutions of images and image tools can better aid in optimizing the website.

Unnecessary redirects

Migrating your website may have many issues. Migrating from another platform to Wordpress may have some links that do not work. And the worse thing is, you are ignorant about it. In the cases where a server needs to go to the pages prior to the original page. In case of misleading redirection of pages, you may need to remove the old URLs and rather conduct a strict check before the final publishing of a website. Because this can lead to a bad impression over the clients as well as add a plus in loading time.


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